"Victoria's oldest conservation club"

The FNCV emblem Correa reflexa
Leaves from our history
The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria
Sheila Houghton and Gary Presland
This booklet can be downloaded from here.
Early club members worked successfully for the reservation of Wilsons Promontory as a national park. The FNCV continues to thrive to this day. It is a very active club with close to 1000 members. There are nine special interest groups (SIGs), and a calendar of diverse events is devoted to the study of natural history.
Membership provides you with:-
- An opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with others who have a passion for the natural environment.
- Monthly meetings with leading speakers in all areas of natural history.
- Regular excursions and field surveys
- Training and workshops
- Six issues of The Victorian Naturalist, our prestigious natural history journal (published since 1884).
- Our monthly newsletter Field Nats News, available electronically or in hard copy
- Access to our extensive natural history library (individual membership only)
- Significant discounts on natural history books from our bookshop.

Junior Naturalists checking for pond life.
From early in its history the FNCV has encouraged young people to have an interest in the natural environment. To do this the Juniors Group was formed and was designed specifically for children and teenagers and their families. This group aims to encourage an interest in our natural environment and its study among young people.