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About the Junior Naturalists
The FNCV Juniors group consists of children, teenagers, and their families who have an interest in studying and exploring the natural world.

Juniors being shown how to measure and identify bats
Aims and Activities

Juniors on excursion
Pink Lake
The group aims to encourage curiosity and learning about nature, and endeavours to cater for a broad range of interests including fauna, flora, geology and environmental issues. We also provide opportunities to meet with others who have similar interests.
The following benefits are available to our members:
- Monthly meetings involving a short talk by an interesting speaker, discussion of exhibits brought in by members and a chance to socialise over a light supper after the meeting (Non-members welcome to attend)
- Monthly excursions to a wide variety of places
- Camps at both Easter and “Christmas” (November or December)
- Members receive our monthly newsletter "The Junior Naturalist"
- Introduction to other FNCV special interest groups by way of speakers and invitations to various events
Meetings and Excursions

Junior with a Squirrel Glider at
Clive Crouch's captive breeding project at Nhill
For dates of meetings and other activities see the Calendar of Events.
Parents attend with children, and are responsible for their supervision.
Contact Program Co-ordinator for further details on activities.
On days of extreme weather conditions, please contact the Program Co-ordinator to check if the excursion is cancelled.