Volunteers play an essential role in the running of the FNCV. It is through the activities of volunteers that services such as The Victorian Naturalist, The Field Nats News, the Calendar of Activities and the running of the SIGs are achieved. Volunteers are involved in all facets of the FNCV.
Volunteering, Relationship Building

Mariners Falls, Otway Ranges
Photographer: J. Hubregtse
The best way to fully immerse yourself into the FNCV community is to become a volunteer.
Some of the activities that you can volunteer for:
- become a SIG coordinator
- represent your SIG at the FNCV Council meetings
- help organise SIG outings
- join working bees
- help in the FNCV Office
- become an FNCV council member
- put your name down on the FNCV volunteer register